TFT and Hetty Alice Release Collaborative Brew: Coho Redd

October 8, 2024

At The Freshwater Trust (TFT), we’ve made a concerted effort to connect with the people and businesses in our community, including Hetty Alice Brewing Company in Portland, Oregon. Recently, we sat down with Gavin Lord, the company’s founder and brewer. Read on to learn more about his company and his connection to TFT and water conservation.

Gavin Lord, founder of Hetty Alice Brewing Company.

Can you tell us a little about Hetty Alice and what it is you do?
Hetty Alice Brewing Company is named for my maternal grandmother, Hetty Alice Frink, an uncommonly generous, welcoming, cheerful, and adventurous person. We seek to honor her legacy by making world-class ales and lagers for all.

How did you get involved with The Freshwater Trust?
We have great examples of environmentalism in our industry, and I have always admired how companies like New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, and Maine Beer Co. built this ethos into their DNA. My desire to do the same with Hetty led me to 1% for the Planet, which led me to The Freshwater Trust. That said, my partnership with The Freshwater Trust also feels inevitable. I grew up in Oregon’s beautiful and abundant watersheds. I’m an avid (if mostly unsuccessful) angler, and my brother, Carson Lord, worked for Oregon Trout before it became The Freshwater Trust. TFT feels like home.

What sets Hetty Alice apart from similar businesses in your space?
We’re a 1% for the Planet member, we use compostable 4-pack carriers, and our digitally printed cans are 100% recyclable (no need to remove unrecyclable labels). But none of that matters if our beer doesn’t set us apart from the crowd. We make “Fun Beer to Drink.” Beer that lives at the intersection of complexity and drinkability. Beer that can delight the connoisseur and the casual drinker alike. Beer that would make Hetty proud.

Why is TFT’s mission of restoring and protecting freshwater ecosystems important to your business?
Hetty Alice Brewing Company could not exist anywhere else. It’s the product of not only my 15+ years of experience in the Oregon brewing industry but also my experience as a lifelong Oregonian. Our brand and our beers reflect that history, and we owe our success and our stewardship to this place. I feel so lucky to have grown up here, and I feel a great responsibility to leave it better than I found it. TFT’s mission of restoration and protection, and their data-based execution of that mission, make it possible for us to act on that feeling of responsibility for measurable change.

For this collaborative brew — Coho Redd — can you share your process for developing the flavor profile and what readers can expect?
Absolutely! McCailin Wunder (Strategic Philanthropy Director at TFT) and I sat down over beers and worked together to develop the recipe. We knew that we’d be hitting the market in early October and wanted to complement the changing seasons with a delicate yet robust malt profile and enough of a classic Northwest hop presence to lift the beer on the palate. This one’s going to tug at the heartstrings and pair beautifully with your favorite Autumnal crockpot.

Enjoy the collaborative brew, Coho Redd, and support The Freshwater Trust.

Where can readers purchase and try Coho Redd?
Wherever excellent beer is sold in our great state! Especially look for this and upcoming Hetty Alice Beers at Belmont Station, The BeerMongers, Uptown Beer Co., Noble Hop, Beer Store Milwaukie, John’s Marketplace, New Seasons, Zupan’s, Whole Foods, and Market of Choice.

What is Hetty Alice’s home river?
I grew up pulling crawdads out of Silver Creek in Silverton, then lived for ten years at the nexus of the Columbia and Hood Rivers. I stare at riffles on the Deschutes, and brew beer about four blocks from the Willamette here in Portland.

Where do you see Hetty Alice in the coming years?
Over the years ahead, we’ll continue to honor Hetty, our community, and our environment with “Fun Beer to Drink!” We’re also actively working on a tasting room, a space we envision as our opportunity to live up to Hetty’s legacy as an extraordinary host. My grandmother loved a party. Cheers!

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