Ashland Creek 0.2 Restoration

The Freshwater Trust (TFT) is an Oregon-based non-profit organization with a mission to preserve and restore freshwater ecosystems. 

In 2018, TFT entered a contract with the City of Ashland to develop and implement a “water quality trading” (WQT) program for the City. This WQT program involves planting and maintaining native trees and shrubs in the Bear Creek watershed, with the goal of generating shade that the City will use to comply with its Clean Water Act wastewater permit.  

Establishing a native plant community and controlling invasive weeds will increase stream shade and will also reduce erosion, absorb sediment, nutrients and pollution before they reach the stream, and increase the wildlife habitat and connectivity along the creek corridor. In addition, clearing weeds and replacing them with long-lived native trees and shrubs reduces maintenance needs while beautifying and increasing the property’s value for the public. 

Restoration in Action

Pre-project conditions

Thick swaths of invasive blackberry plants cover the banks of the creek and force out native plants.

After planting

New native trees and shrubs will grow to provide shade over the creek and help keep the creek cool for native fish.


Inspecting a nearby restoration site after a wildfire in 2020.

What restoration is happening at this site?

The Ashland Creek 0.2 site is a streamside (or riparian) planting project on 2.25 acres along Ashland Creek. It includes the removal and control of invasive species and weeds and the planting of 2,000 native trees and shrubs per acre on both burned and unburned sections of the creek. Temporary plant protection (cages) and an irrigation system have been installed for the first few years to help plants get established. Additionally, weeds were cleared nearby to prevent them from reentering the project area.

What native species are at this site?

This area is home to an abundance of wildlife, including American black bear, river otters, Monarch butterflies, herons, egrets, eagles, Coho and Chinook salmon, steelhead, and lamprey.

Trees planted here include big leaf maple, Oregon ash, black oak, white alder, Ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, incense cedar, and willow. Shrubs planted here include mock orange, chokecherry, Pacific ninebark, Oregon grape, red flowering currant, and blue elderberry. Native trees provide shade, while native shrubs provide flowers for pollinators and berries that become food for wildlife. Certain species thrive by the water’s edge, while others are more drought-resistant and thrive in the upland.

What is the long-term plan for this site?

The site was planted in 2022 and will be maintained for 20 years by The Freshwater Trust through the City of Ashland’s Water Quality Trading Program. 

What is the City of Ashland’s Water Quality Trading Program?

The City of Ashland and The Freshwater Trust are partnering to use shade produced from restoring streamside forests to help the City  comply with its wastewater permit under the Clean Water Act. This program finds local sites that would benefit from riparian plantings and reduce instream temperature. As the plants grow at each restored site, they block kilocalories of solar load (sunlight), which generates credits for the City and helps keep the stream cool for native fish.

How was this site selected?

The Freshwater Trust selects sites using its StreamBank® BasinScout® tool, which prioritizes many potential sites based on several values, including benefits to the environment. Sites throughout the basin are identified using satellite imagery and modeled for future conditions of full forests. This allows the team to locate the most impactful planting sites and work with willing landowners to restore them. 

How do we know this site is succeeding?

Water quality trading sites are closely monitored to ensure that the plants are growing well and that invasive species have not returned. Each year, TFT staff and local contractors visit the sites to mow, treat weeds, and fertilize and irrigate the new plants. Additionally, water quality trading sites have mandatory third-party verifiers who ensure that the site meets its performance targets and generates the credits needed to comply with the wastewater permit requirements.