Infographic: Uplift in Idaho's Snake River basin

  • October 1, 2018
  • Haley Walker

TFT is working with the Idaho Power Company (IPC) to restore ecological functions that decrease negative impacts through the construction of floodplains and channel modifications in the Middle Snake, streamside revegetation along tributaries, and irrigation management changes on farms in the region where it will have the greatest impact.

In 2016, TFT and IPC implemented the first restoration project as part of the research phase of the Snake River Stewardship Program. The floodplains of Bayha and Wright Islands were widened and adjacent channels were deepened. Thousands of native plants were planted for shade.

In 2017, summer maintenance crews worked to encourage the new plants to grow and keep the invasive ones at bay.

With these projects, we not only count the number of trees and shrubs planted, but we also model the shade as they grow. This is calculated as kilocalories per day of solar load blocked.

