Joe Whitworth's Statement on Attack of the U.S. Capitol

  • January 7, 2021
  • Joe Whitworth

Contact: Haley Walker,

The Freshwater Trust’s work of fixing freshwater ecosystems contributes to the resilience of local economies and the environment. The resiliency of our democracy is currently being tested, yet we know its foundation is strong.

What just happened in Washington, D.C., is emblematic of the deep divides and overdue work to redesign, reset, and reunite this country. This display, unacceptable in a nation of laws, is a culminating event resulting from decades of looking away when we should have been directly confronting the real issues of our time.

The inadequacy of our broadly accepted social, economic, and environmental systems have in recent months all been exposed as fully insufficient to deliver the broad prosperity which all humans deserve. Much of this was handed down to us, but there is no need to pass it along again. Acknowledging the deep-seated origins of our shortcomings while hastening a better day in every region, state, city, and watershed is the work upon us now.

We will be part of building a more resilient, just, and prosperous society.

About The Freshwater Trust 

 The Freshwater Trust is a group of problem solvers designing and implementing data-driven solutions that protect and restore America’s freshwater. Using science, technology, policy and finance, The Freshwater Trust builds and manages solutions that improve water quality and quantity. With data and 21st century tools and technologies, we enable smarter watershed management to happen faster and at a greater scale. We also employ our solutions on the ground for the benefit of both watersheds and the plants, animals and people that rely on them. 
