Snake River Stewardship Program

  • March 31, 2016
  • Danielle Dumont

At 1,078 miles long, the Snake is the largest North American river emptying into the Pacific Ocean and the largest tributary of the Columbia River.

It’s been used to generate hydropower since 1900, and today, more than 500,000 customers rely on it for electricity. The river also supports vibrant agricultural and recreation communities and salmon, steelhead and white sturgeon populations.

“Idaho Power Company is celebrating its 100th year of providing reliable, low-cost electricity to the homes, schools and businesses in our community,” said Chris Randolph, Environmental Affairs Director with Idaho Power Company. “To ensure this resource for the future, we must balance responsible energy use with the protection of the Snake River.”

As part of the federal process for relicensing its three-dam Hells Canyon Complex, Idaho Power is mitigating the effects of the Hells Canyon Complex on late summer and fall water temperatures. Warm water from the watershed collects in Brownlee Reservoir and flows out of Hells Canyon several degrees warmer than current state and federal standards allow. Idaho Power has considered numerous options to meet temperature requirements.

Working with The Freshwater Trust, Idaho Power is proposing a restoration program intended to decrease thermal loading to the river upstream of the Hells Canyon Complex and provide widespread environmental benefits for native species…

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