Taking you to the river with 360 degree video
The tandem rotors of a helicopter pulse and wrinkle the water as it approaches.
40-foot logs swing below it, attached by thick steel cable. Wash from its blades kick up underbrush and scatter debris. The restoration site is all sound and wind. In a matter of moments, the timber gracefully descends to the river’s edge through a narrow opening in the tree canopy.
The crews know exactly where the logs should go and how many will create a new large wood structure to serve as habitat for native salmon and steelhead. Over two weeks this summer, The Freshwater Trust, the U.S. Forest Service and Columbia Helicopters placed 2,000 pieces of large wood into the Sandy River Basin. It’s another step in a more than decade long initiative to bring wood to a basin where its been missing for decades – a basin where it once existed in abundance.
For safety and accessibility reasons, few of the supporters who make this work possible year after year will have the opportunity to visit a restoration project. So we captured as much of this powerful experience as possible with 360 degree video and invite you to dive into a recent July day on the river with our staff and partners. Fortunately, you’ll be drier and less wind blown than if you visited in person.
September 5, 2018Enjoying Streamside?
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Subscribe- Year in Review: 2023 Highlights
By Ben Wyatt - Report: Leveraging Analytics & Funding for Restoration
By Joe Whitworth - Report: Transparency & Transformational Change
By Joe Whitworth - On-the-Ground Action – Made Possible By You
By Haley Walker - A Report Representing Momentum
By Joe Whitworth