Video - River Drummer: A Staff Story

  • July 22, 2016
  • Haley Walker
  • Video


Throughout the summer, The Freshwater Trust has been releasing a series of video profiles introducing the world to our staff and their powerful connections to water.

We told the story of Jeff Fisher, habitat monitoring coordinator and trail runner.

Operations Director, triathlete and traveler Kimberlee Myers realized that freshwater was not the abundant resource internationally that it was in the Pacific Northwest.

We followed three of our staff down the Deschutes River for a fly-fishing trip.

Today, we’re introducing you to Tommy Franzen, GIS analyst and drummer. Believe it or not, Tommy has an eloquent and powerful connection between nature and music.

These videos are meant to answer the question: Why water?

It’s the great connector, and we all have a reason for why we spend every day protecting and restoring freshwater resources.
