Before one year closes and another unfolds, we take stock of what’s been accomplished over the past 365 days. Earlier this month, we interviewed staff across five offices and three states about the elements of this past year they were most proud of. The following is the result of both heart and mind, early mornings and long nights, practiced skill and bold innovation. The following is what you get when you have a community of people supporting you in your pursuit of quantified outcomes for rivers.
In 2018, hundreds of new wood structures were built and dozens of acres were restored with native plants. Events were hosted and new donors joined us. Tools were dreamt, built, and refined to improve the efficacy and efficiency of our projects. Leases were signed with landowners to keep millions of gallons in rivers without compromising the productivity of working lands.
TFT looks forward to more wins and new projects in 2019 – projects that will further improve water quality and quantity. But our eyes are also wide open to the challenges we must overcome to do so, financially, politically and otherwise. In 2017, before embarking on a new year, we raised nearly $100,000 and below are some examples of our return on that investment. What you’ll read below is the result of those funds being put to work. If you know anything about us, it’s that we take return on investment seriously.
We want – and need – to raise at least that much again to do all this and more in the next 365. After reading how we turn donor dollars into impact in this blog and in our latest Uplift Report, we’d like to ask you to make a year-end gift. You can trust that when you give, we make it count. In 2018, together we:
Protected 68,000 gallons per minute in 48 Oregon creeks through our 42 new flow deals with landowners. Our ability to sit at the table and compromise with key irrigators on the ground meant that during the hottest and driest parts of the year, native fish had plenty of water to survive. Learn about what it looks like to do a flow deal.